
It's not just about simply providing a service; it's also about building a strong sense of community. It's about collaborating and partnering with fellow creatives to create something truly special.

Renny’s Delicatessen

We teamed up with Reniel Del Rosario, a Bay Area ceramic artist, at the West Coast Craft LA, Los Angeles, CA to pass out sweet treats with his ceramic goodies.

Santanera Living

Santanera Living and The Cookie Den got together for a sweet giveaway for Santa Ana locals. Six custom made cookies, Santanera swag, one lucky winner.

Encanto Collab

Teamed up with fellow cookie makers around the world to create Encanto inspired cookies. Check out #encantobakingcollab on Instagram to see more artwork!

Let's Work Together

We're always open to collaboration and partnerships. If you're interested in working with us, please feel free to get in touch. We'd love to hear from you and explore potential opportunities.

You can reach us at or submit this form.